
10 个月前
16.8k 次浏览

双胞胎姐妹 Brittany 和 Briana 嫁给了一对双胞胎兄弟 Josh 和 Jeremy Salyers。更巧的是,这两对夫妇都在周五的时候宣布,他们的 Baby 在路上啦!

这两对夫妻是在俄亥俄州 Twinsburg 举行的2018年 Twins Days Festival 的联合仪式上认识并在一起的。当时结婚的时候就上了当地的头条新闻。

现在两对夫妇同时怀孕,他们也在 ins 上以 Baywatch 为主题和大家分享了这一喜悦。

“你猜怎么了!!??夫妻俩都怀孕了! 🤰🤰,”他们在一张照片下面配文,Josh 和 Jeremy Salyers 在图片里打扮成救生员的样子,而 Brittany 和 Briana 则穿着泳衣炫耀自己略微隆起的小肚子,上面写着“ Baby Watch”。

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Guess what!!?? BOTH couples are pregnant! 🤰🤰 We are thrilled and grateful to experience overlapping pregnancies and to share this news with you all! ✨🍀✨🍀✨🍀✨🍀✨ Our children will not only be cousins, but full genetic siblings and quaternary multiples! Can't wait to meet them and for them to meet each other! ✨🍀✨🍀✨🍀✨🍀✨ #SalyersTwins #TwinsMarriedToTwins #expecting #thebump #pregnancyannouncement #pregnancyandbeyond #twinning #dubblebubble #baywatch #babywatch #pregnancyphoto #pregnant #bestpregnancyphotos #maternity #momstobe #dadstobe #twinsisters #twinbrothers #strangethings #identicaltwins #deanetwins #twincouples #twinmoms #twindads #miracle #ourtwinsanewedding #twinwedding #twinpregnancy #pregnancyphotoshoot #dreamcometrue

A post shared by Josh, Jeremy, Brittany, Briana (@salyerstwins) on


来源:  People.com
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