John Travolta 妻子 Kelly Preston 不敌癌症过世

10 个月前
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好莱坞巨星约翰屈伏塔(John Travolta)陪着老婆凯莉(Kelly Preston)低调抗癌2年多,没想到仍传出不幸消息,根据 John Travolta 的Instagram 贴文,Kelly Preston 因乳癌病逝,享年57岁。

Travolta 在 Instagram 上向大众公开爱妻的死讯:「经历2年的乳癌对抗,我美丽的妻子凯莉离开了我们。她在许多人的爱与支持下,勇敢地抗癌。我会花一些时间去照顾失去母亲的孩子们,如果有一阵子没收到我的消息请原谅我,我们需要在未来几周、甚至几个月内疗伤,感谢大家的关爱。凯莉的爱与生活将永远被记住。」同时,Travolta 的发言人也向媒体证实了这件憾事。家人代表向媒体透露 Kelly Preston 在这周日早晨过世,“凯莉选择低调抗癌,她已经与癌症搏斗一段时间。”

Kelly Preston 最后一次公开露面是在2018年6月,与先生 Travolta 共同参加电影 Gotti 的首映会。

John Travolta 与老婆 Kelly Preston 两人结婚29年,去年结婚周年纪念日上,凯莉才大赞丈夫是他所认识的所有人中「最出色的」,感性向约翰屈伏塔告白,并表示「无论发生什么事,我都会好起来的,我永远爱你」,没想到今却传出病逝噩耗。事实上,John Travolta 与 Kelly Preston 的大儿子 Jett 在2009年时因癫痫发作离世,当时儿子年仅16岁,让一家人伤心不已,如今 John Travolta 又得独自面对丧妻之痛,令人不舍。

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It is with a very heavy heart that I inform you that my beautiful wife Kelly has lost her two-year battle with breast cancer. She fought a courageous fight with the love and support of so many. My family and I will forever be grateful to her doctors and nurses at MD Anderson Cancer Center, all the medical centers that have helped, as well as her many friends and loved ones who have been by her side. Kelly’s love and life will always be remembered. I will be taking some time to be there for my children who have lost their mother, so forgive me in advance if you don’t hear from us for a while. But please know that I will feel your outpouring of love in the weeks and months ahead as we heal. All my love, JT

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来源:  CNN
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RIP. 好美