Linkin Park 主唱遗孀发布感人声明:「我们曾经过着童话般的生活」

10 个月前
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上个礼拜,Linkin Park的主唱Chester Bennington不幸自杀身亡。今天,Chester的遗孀,三个孩子的母亲Talinda Bennington发表了一个感人肺腑的声明:

「一个星期之前,我失去了我的灵魂伴侣,我的孩子们失去了他们的英雄 - 他们的父亲。我们曾经过着童话般的生活,而现在却变成了一场莎士比亚式的悲剧。我要怎样才能继续前行?我要怎样才能重拾我已经碎裂的灵魂?我知道答案只有一个,我要用我剩下的每一份爱来养大我们的孩子。我想让我的亲人朋友还有全世界的粉丝知道,我们感受到了你们的爱。我们也感受到了你们的失落和心痛。我的孩子们还那么小,他们失去了父亲。然而我知道你们所有人会和我们一样,让他永远活在我们心里。他有着那么聪明,那么有爱的灵魂,还有天使一样的声音。现在,他没有了痛苦,在我们所有人的心里畅快地歌唱着。愿上帝保佑我们所有人,在痛苦的时候我们可以寻求彼此的帮助和支持。Chester一定也希望我们这样做。安息吧,我的爱。」


「One week ago, I lost my soulmate and my children lost their hero – their Daddy. We had a fairytale life and now it has turned into some sick Shakespearean tragedy. How do I move on? How do I pick up my shattered soul? The only answer I know is to raise our babies with every ounce of love I have left. I want to let my community and the fans worldwide know that we feel your love. We feel your loss as well. My babies are so young to have lost their daddy. And I know that all of you will help keep his memory alive. He was a bright, loving soul with an angel's voice. And now he is pain-free singing his songs in all of our hearts. May God bless us all and help us turn to one another when we are in pain. Chester would've wanted us to do so. Rest In Peace, my love.」


来源:  Business Insider
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