
10 个月前
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话说咱们川普总统某种程度上也算是诗意,回顾他跟墨西哥总统Enrique Peña Nieto与澳洲总理Malcolm Turnbull的对话,不得不赞叹川普大大的无限想像力,以下就是Mashable媒体所做的整理。


「我是全世界最伟大的人,不让闲杂人等随便进入美国(I am the world’s greatest person that does not want to let people into the country.)」


「我讨厌接收这些难民,我向你保证这些人都很坏,这也是为何他们现在都蹲在监狱里,他们也不会是那些甘愿乖乖做乳制品产业的人(I hate taking these people. I guarantee you they are bad. That is why they are in prison right now. They are not going to be wonderful people who go on to work for the local milk people.)


「我不知道你是如何让他们同意这份协议,但这就是为何他们(希拉里)会输掉选举,他们说我不可能会得到270张入主白宫的门槛票数,但事实上我却获得306张选票 (Look, I do not know how you got them to sign a deal like this, but that is how they lost the election. They said I had no way to 270 and I got 306.)」


川普:「你知道他们是怎么说波士顿炸弹客的吗?他们说那些都是很棒的年轻人。澳洲可以向我保证我们不会遇到问题吗?(Can Australia give me a guarantee that if we have any problems — you know that is what they said about the Boston bombers. They said they were wonderful young men)」Turnbull:「他们是俄罗斯人,并不是来自这些国家的人。(They were Russians. They were not from any of these countries.)」川普:「他们想从哪来就从哪来。(They were from wherever they were)」「我已经打一整天的电话了,而这一通电话是让我最不愉悦的,只有打给Putin的那通让我开心一点,实在是太令人不可思议了。(I have been making these calls all day and this is the most unpleasant call all day. Putin was a pleasant call. This is ridiculous.)」


●现在来瞧瞧川普与墨西哥总统Peña Nieto的对话录:

「….他说的英文比我好….(...he speaks better English than me...)」

川普这句话除了是对Peña Nieto说,某种程度上也是在对口译员说。

「在Ohio州,他们正在为川普重振旗鼓,因为川普已经公开表明对墨西哥的立场。(In Ohio, they are having rallies for Trump right now because Trump has taken a hard stance on Mexico.)」


「你我都有上的政治问题,唯一一件我对你的要求就是那道墙。我的人民会说『墨西哥要付钱筑高墙』,但你的人应该也是会说类似的话,只是用词会有点差异。(The only thing I will ask you though is on the wall, you and I both have a political problem. My people stand up and say, 'Mexico will pay for the wall' and your people probably say something in a similar but slightly different language.)」「如果你想对我说墨西哥不打算付钱筑墙,那我也不会再跟你们见面,因为我就是不能接受。(...if you are going to say that Mexico is not going to pay for the wall, then I do not want to meet with you guys anymore because I cannot live with that.)」

#NoWallNoFriends (#没墙没朋友)

「Enrique,别忘了,是我跟你两人一起对抗全世界。(It is you and I against the world, Enrique, do not forget.)」

但Peña Nieto心里的OS应该是「是我和全世界一起对抗你吧川普」!

「我希望你能在墨西哥备受人民爱戴,爱载到人民愿意发起宪法改革,让你再多当6年总统。(I want you to be so popular that your people will call for a constitutional amendment in Mexico so that you can run again for another six years.)」


来源:  Mashable
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