
6 个月前
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10月7日,Tiktok 用户 Denisse Devine (@denissedevine)发了一则视频声称:“10月3日,我得知富国银行(Wells Fargo)毫无征兆地取消了我的储蓄帐户。” 她表示自己是在无法登录在线帐户以及无法使用 ATM 时发现问题。所以她去了家附近的富国银行门店进行调查。

她说:“根据富国银行的说法,没有任何历史记录,没有任何迹象表明我曾经在他们那里开过储蓄帐户” 她表示自己无法提供纸质对账单来证明她有一个帐户,因为她选择了以电子方式收取对账单。那么问题就来了,她说:“他们要对账单,而我唯一能获得对账单的方法是在线获取。但我的帐户已经被取消了……所以我最终还是无法获得任何对账单,”

@denissedevine A little more details on Tuesday, October 3rd when Wells Fargo told me my savings account with money of over a decade didn’t exist. #criminal #money #wellsfargo #hellsfargo #bank #banking #wth #wheresmymoney #abc7la #abc7eyewitness #nbcla #theft #corruption #thisisbiggerthanmoney #forthepeople #wellsfargosucks #wellsfargofraud #wellsfargobank #fraudsters #fraud@ABC7LA @NBCLA @ABC News @NBC @Good Morning America ♬ original sound - DenisseDevine

Devine 说银行承诺调查此事,并在几个工作日内回复她他们的调查结果。


Devine 说她请求获得她的 E-Trade 银行对账单,以展示她的支票帐户和储蓄帐户之间的交易,但她并不指望这会有任何不同。她说:"我感到非常难过,非常沮丧。我真的不知道会发生什么,或者我是否能够拿回我的钱。"

@denissedevine The resolution Wells Fargo offered me today 10/25 after a 22 day “investigation” was none. I never received an explanation as to why my savings account vanished and then reappeared with a zero balance from their record with no statements available aside from when it was “closed” No explanation on why my checking account history was missing and inaccessible the day i walked into their branch to request a print out. And no explanation on where my money is. Laura from their executive office then hung up on me after i screamed through my tears into the phone that their records are bs. If they say my savings account was closed in 2018 how was I able to see it in June of this year? Now i have to wait for these reemerged statements from my checking account to see if the transaction history is there to prove the transfer I made from my checking to my savings but im not holding my breath. Im literally asking the criminal for proof of his crime #wellsfargo #wellsfargobank #fraud #wellsfargofraud #banking #crime ♬ original sound - DenisseDevine

富国银行的一位代表在发给媒体 The U.S. Sun 的一封电子邮件中否认了 Devine 的指控。

来源:  the-sun
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