
6 个月前
6.1k 次浏览


事件发生在一班从科罗拉多州飞往加州的航班上。视频显示,一名女乘客携带她8周大的小狗 Sitka 一同乘坐飞机。当这名乘客等待坐上座位时,小狗开始哼哼。这时,检查登机牌的乘务员走过来说:“‘如果那只狗继续吵闹,你可能不能飞行。”随后, 女乘客开始抚摸狗,狗也很快就安静下来了。




@_sara_price_ Met this lady in the boarding line today @Southwest Airlines She flew out to Colorado Springs to pick up her new little puppy and fly her back home to CA. The puppy was whining a little and the flight attendant boarding everyone walked up to her and said, if your dogs doesn't be quiet, you may not be able to fly. She sticks her hand in the soft carrier and pets the puppy. It stopped whining. We board the plane and she has the carrier in her lap still petting the puppy when the same flight attendant came up and said the carrier needed to be zipped completely and put under the seat. Everyone around us was like, what's going on here!? Another flight attendant, dressed as a cat comes up and says "are we going to have a problem here!?" The lady does as she is told and we start to taxi to the runway. The dog gave a very soft whine, so she leaned over and started petting it from the outside of the carrier but right at mesh. All the attendants got in a group at the front of the plane and decided we needed to return to the gate and that she should be removed from the flight. #southwestairlines #southwest #southwestair ♬ original sound - Sara Price

视频拍摄者 Sara 和她的丈夫当时与这名女乘客坐在同一排座位,Sara 的丈夫表示,她甚至没有把狗拿出来,你只是隔着箱子在安抚它。他对乘务员说:“你应该为自己的行为感到羞愧。”

更让人感到奇怪的是,Sara 和她的丈夫也因为他们的“态度”而被赶下飞机。据报导,还有少数其他乘客也因抗议而下了飞机。




来源:  nypost
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