Randy Lin 林老师化学/数学教室 (Randy Lin Tutoring Center)


Randy Lin 林老师补习班位于罗兰岗,专精高中 AP 数学, 化学, 物理,拥有超过 17 年丰富的教学经验,能完全掌握命题趋势,帮助学生提高学校 GPA 和 AP 成绩,在 Randy 林老师这儿「没有不开窍的孩子,只是还没抓住诀窍」! Randy 林老师精通国语和英语,完全掌握命题趋势,已帮助超过 500 名学生于 AP 数学, 物理, 化学获得满分 5 分!欢迎学生试听 (提供现场和Zoom线上教学)

微信: RandyLinTutors

Randy Lin located in Rowland Heights has achieved tremendous success with his students in chemistry, physics, and math. Not only does Randy Lin have more than 17 years of teaching experience, but he also fully participates in all the exams that his students take so he is aware of education trends. Randy Lin has helped more than 500 students have scored 5 out of a full score in AP Calculus, AP Physics, and AP Chemistry exams! Contact us today for a free consultation! (Onsite or Zoom class)
