

位于Capital Hill 距离Chinatown 5分钟的车程

本着"Best Car" Best Deal" and "Best Service" 为大家提供最好的二手车资源

为了迎合客户的广泛的需求, 我们车行有超过50台现车的库存,价格范围 $5000--$300000

品牌覆盖广泛, Carpapapa Auto Group LLC 我们的宗旨在于为我们的客户提供最好的汽车销售和售后服务,让客户轻松,简单和满意去选购二手车.让大家把生活与自己喜欢的车联系在一起, 买车,卖车,出行不再是一件麻烦的事情. 让车子成为生活的一部分.

让整个二手车市场很透明的出现在大家的面前, 让大家买的放心,用得安心.

除了汽车买卖的同时, 我们车行还提供最好的汽车清洗服务, 还有西雅图最好的汽车改装 贴膜师傅驻店, 提供最专业的改装贴膜服务.

Carpapapa Auto Group is dedicated to help you explore your best options. We use our passion and hard work to remove all your headache to provide easy and convenient consumer experience. We live and dream in cars. Our goal is not to become another dealership, but a platform to help people finding their dream cars. Luxury doesn't always cost a lot. We hope we could help you draw the picture of your dream. It is in our DNA to innovate and never settle.
