
10 个月前
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在15分钟的交谈中,福克斯电视台的Trish Regan首先就谈到了节目中可能是唯一一个真正的争论:刘欣是在为自己说话,还是在为中国共产党说话。这一度使气氛有些紧张。Trish在介绍中将刘欣介绍为党员。而刘欣直截了当地回应自己并不是党员,这都是记录在案的,并且此次谈话仅代表个人。






来源:  SCMP
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Ummm,, Trish does get a good team to collect information and she comes prepared. Xin Liu is not as good as I thought before. I am not sure how Xin Liu performed could be considered good, since Trish threw out so many FACTS you cannot deny, including WTO stuff and intellectual properties. Xin Liu said it happened in the US as well, but she did not show facts. Most, my feelings, of her words are comments and opinions.

Anyway, it is a good start for conversations between people, instead of governments, from these two countries.

Zheng Qu接近 5 年前

Can't agree with you. To me, Trish kept throwing qustions to Xin and when Xin said sth she can't deny, she just threw another Q. If this was a debate, Xin would definitely win because she properly answered all the questions. And you said Xin did not show facts, that is also not correct. For example when Trish asked when will China stop claiming to be a developing country, Xin replied with FACT that although we have rather high GDP, the population is of 1.4 billion and thus the average is still low. If statistics is not fact, math is not fact, what is? I agree that both side raises good points and it is good to have such conversations as a start, but it seems that you don't really have a objective opinion.

To be honest, I think Xin was overly polite. She meant to present a humble image rather than an arrogant lightheaded person that Trish did. Or perhaps Xin was nervous to speak a non-native language in a conversation like this. I bet Trish might sounds like a fool if she had to speak Chinese instead. However, Xin is indeed too soft on some of her replies that she probably should’ve had a stronger stance when stating the facts. And last but not least, the entire conversation is a one sided Q&A rather than a “debate”. It was Trish asking questions over and over again, so I don’t know why they’d call it a debate when there was only one person raising the questions. And Trish, as the host, was rude enough to disturb when others are still speaking. She is the embodiment of lack-mannered person.

FireHint接近 5 年前

It's Trish's host, it's normal for her to do quick interview for more information for her audiences, so, in my opinion, this is not a debate but an interview instead. Xin could invite Trish to Xin's host for interview as well.

I agree with the fact part you are talking about, but those facts are not the point to me. I am saying about how Xin Liu answers tough questions about the trade war and intellectual properties. I said I did not hear Xin Liu fight back with facts in terms of issues Trish challenged. You are talking about facts to questions like when China stop claiming itself a developing country. We are not on the same page.
You can, for sure, think Xin is good to give facts about China developing country stuff, but that's not a question that I am interest.

I never claim my opinions are objective, it is my feeling, just like how you feel about my comment.