“安卓之父”Andy Rubin 当年因不正当性行为离职仍获得9000万美元离职金,CEO Pichai 发邮件给全体员工

10 个月前
14.8k 次浏览

纽约时报昨天发布了一则报道称“安卓之父”Andy Rubin 2014年因为一起不正当性行为(sexual misconduct)而离开 Google 时,Google 还是向其支付了9000万美元的离职金!当时对 Andy Rubin 的指控包括他强迫下属,也是当时 Google 的一名员工对他进行口交。去年也有消息称 Google 此前确实发现 Rubin 跟他的一名下属有“不正当的关系”。纽约时报的报道称,当时 Google 和 Rubin 是和平分手的,他还是拿到了金额不菲的离职包裹,即使 Google 的调查人员当时做出的结论是对 Rubin 的指控都是“可信的”。

针对该报道,Google CEO Sundar Pichai 给全体员工写了一封信,信中说在过去的两年里公司因为性骚扰已经解雇了48名员工,并称没有一个人有领到过离职金,其中有13名被解雇的员工是 Senior Manager 或更高职位的。


Hi everyone,

Today's story in the New York Times was difficult to read.

We are dead serious about making sure we provide a safe and inclusive workplace. We want to assure you that we review every single complaint about sexual harassment or inappropriate conduct, we investigate and we take action.

In recent years, we've made a number of changes, including taking an increasingly hard line on inappropriate conduct by people in positions of authority: in the last two years, 48 people have been terminated for sexual harassment, including 13 who were senior managers and above. None of these individuals received an exit package.

In 2015, we launched Respect@ and our annual Internal Investigations Report to provide transparency about these types of investigations at Google. Because we know that reporting harassment can be traumatic, we provide confidential channels to share any inappropriate behavior you experience or see. We support and respect those who have spoken out. You can find many ways to do this at go/saysomething. You can make a report anonymously if you wish.

We've also updated our policy to require all VPs and SVPs to disclose any relationship with a co-worker regardless of reporting line or presence of conflict.

We are committed to ensuring that Google is a workplace where you can feel safe to do your best work, and where there are serious consequences for anyone who behaves inappropriately.

Sundar and Eileen

然而,Pichai 的声明中只提到了过去的两年,Rubin 的离开是发生在2014年。

来源:  Business Insider
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大致研究了一下性侵、性骚扰、不正当性行为的区别,性侵比不正当性行为更严重,如果被强迫用口、手指等等,而不是直接进入,是不正当性行为的一种(虽然我认为 BJ 和进入是一样严重的)。而性骚扰是不正当性行为的子集,情节比这位安卓之父的要轻一些。
