
10 个月前
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Facebook 高管离职潮似乎正愈演愈烈,昨日,Instagram 两位创始人 Kevin Systrom 和 Mike Kreiger 发表 Blog 宣布离开 Facebook:

Mike and I are grateful for the last eight years at Instagram and six years with the Facebook team. We’ve grown from 13 people to over a thousand with offices around the world, all while building products used and loved by a community of over one billion. We’re now ready for our next chapter.

We’re planning on taking some time off to explore our curiosity and creativity again. Building new things requires that we step back, understand what inspires us and match that with what the world needs; that’s what we plan to do.

We remain excited for the future of Instagram and Facebook in the coming years as we transition from leaders to two users in a billion. We look forward to watching what these innovative and extraordinary companies do next.

Kevin Systrom, Co-Founder & CEO

他们于 2010 年发布 Instagram, 2012 年 Instagram 被 Facebook 收购。当时收购方承诺让他们继续独立运营 Instagram,但似乎后来的情况与最初承诺的有些不同,FB CEO 也曾说过想越来越多的掌权控制 Instagram。从声明中可以看出,这次离开 FB 之后,他们或许将开发新 app。期待他们的下一款作品。

来源:  9 to 5 mac
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